Bollywood Princess – Story time and dance session (Dewsbury Library)
Friday 29 July, 10.30am-11.30am
Venue: Dewsbury Library, Dewsbury Retail Park, Railway St, Dewsbury WF12 8EQ
Ticket price: Free (booking recommended)
Age guidance: All ages (under 16s should be accompanied by an adult)
For venue Access Information, contact Kirklees Library Services on: 01484 414868
Meet Milli, a dancer with big dreams of one day becoming a Bollywood Princess. Determined to achieve her goal, when disaster strikes, will Milli ever wear the Bollywood crown?
Salma (the award-winning author) will recite her first children’s book – Bollywood Princess with south Asian and non-south Asian characters.
After, Salma will lead an interactive south Asian dance session (Bollywood) for families and children.
All welcome. Move like a Bollywood star and have interactive fun by learning how to shake your hips, shimmy your shoulders, classical hand gestures and much more.
Family-friendly event!
You can join in on the day without a booking. Booking requests do help us prepare space and equipment for estimated numbers, thank you.
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